What are your thoughts, feelings, insights, questions?

One reader observed about The Cove: “What spoke deeply to my soul, is the way you included all forms of love into the core of the book. The love expressed in compassion, the love friends have for one another, the love of the land, the love known in sexuality, the love of wisdom and the love of the Creator. Love to me, is the hub of the wheel around which the plot revolves.”

How do you see the above?

What resonated with you among the commingled currents of Native American teaching, mountain lore, radical Christianity, nature’s gifts and beauty, and the wisdom learned from an ancient land?

And let us not forget the role of the Elders!

Can you see the truth of The Cove and even the possibilities for such enclaves, hidden in plain sight, to being forth a redeemed future?

Has The Cove drawn you in? Do you feel summoned to follow the spirituality of your heart; your soul?

Let us talk. Let us share… You can reach Paul and Karen, plus other readers at www.ravensbreadministries.com/blog Or via email: pkfredette@frontier.com

Paul and Karen Fredette 18065 NC 209 Hwy. Hot Springs, NC 28743

PH: 828 622 3750